Friday 11 May 2018

11th May 2018–Charleville

Distance: 419 Km
Fuel: 49 L

Not in any great rush this morning and also not entirely sure where I will stop for the night. Three possibilities: Augathella, Charleville or Morven but it really depends on time or mood.

What a difference a day makes – yesterday it was 31’C today it is 23’C and feels quite chilly. It is not helped by a wind which, while not strong, is definitely moving the trees and grass, can’t say it was very cold but felt cool after the extended Indian Summer we have been having. The sky was as cloudless as ever with no chance of rain.

Didn’t stop in Blackall on the way through, made a short stop in a rest area just to walk about and stretch the legs, the scenery is very dry but beautiful in an Aussie yellow/brown and grey/green way – I just love the vastness of it all.

180511 002 On The Road To Augathella180511 003 On The Road To Augathella180511 004 On The Road To Augathella


Turned off the highway into Augathella. This is the town where the author of the Smiley stories drew his inspiration. Descendants of the boy that Smiley was based on still live in the area. I have never read any of the books myself but I remember seeing the films as a child.

180511 007 Smiley Mural Augathella180511 009 Smiley Mural Augathella

The town also has a footie team called The Meat Ants.

180511 025 Augathella180511 021 Meat Ant Park Augathella180511 019 Meat Ant Park Augathella

I spent a little while looking around after having coffee in the Smiley Cafe (part of the pub really).

180511 022 Augathella180511 024 Augathella180511 027 Augathella180511 031 Augathella180511 033 Augathella180511 034 Augathella180511 036 Augathella

Made the decision to drive on to Charleville and stay a couple of nights there. So I continued on the extra 70km or so to a caravan park near the edge of town and made some plans for tomorrow.

A road train video for your amusement: