Sunday 29 April 2018

28th April 2018–Rolleston

Distance: 314 km

Foggy again this morning.

180428 003 Monto

Rather an uneventful drive only stopped a couple of times on the way.

A traffic jam!

Heavy Traffic

The country was very brown yet here and there in the midst of the brown were full dams.

180428 007 Road to Rolleston180428 009 Road to Rolleston180428 010 Road to Rolleston

Rolleston is a very small town with one fuel stop and two pubs. It is Saturday so even the workers have gone home.

180428 019 Rolleston

Once I had unhitched I took the opportunity to get my laundry done; the machine here was only $4 and it was dry within a couple of hours so I am good for nearly a week again.

Will get fuel in Emerald tomorrow - at Rolleston it is one stop for everything.

180428 024 Rolleston

Like a lot of small towns businesses have closed.

180428 026 Rolleston180428 028 Rolleston