Monday 19 March 2018

!8th March 2018–Peak Hill

Distance: 334 km
Fuel: 31 L

Change of mind

It had been my intention to stay at Narromine tonight but as I drove it was obvious that I was going to arrive far too early – ie before noon – so I decided to press on an extra 55km to Peak Hill.

Nevertire is somewhere I never tire of stopping just to stretch my legs (and photograph the sign).

180318 001 Nevertire180318 004 Nevertire180318 005 Nevertire

According to BOM the temperature in Peak Hill is going to be 40’C but as I drove not only did the temperature rise but also did the wind. It was a hot dry wind, I doubt the humidity was over 15% but the wind didn’t relent once. where ever there was a bare paddock there was a dust cloud visible for miles. I drove with my sidelights on the whole way. I am hoping that as the wind was behind me it resulted in better fuel consumption.

180318 006 Nevertire to Peak Hill Dust

Peak Hills was hot… After checking in – when I was given a handout of local attractions – my set up was very quick because the park even provided a TV connector. The site was shady but it was the wind that was hot so the shade didn’t provide much relief; anyway it was time to look around.

180318 054 Peak Hill Caravan Park180318 048 Peak Hill Caravan Park

Another day, another gold mine…

The first port of call had to be the Peak Hill Gold Experience only a couple of blocks from the caravan park.

180318 008 Peak Hill Gold Mine Experience180318 011 Peak Hill Gold Mine Experience180318 012 Peak Hill Gold Mine Experience180318 015 Peak Hill Gold Mine Experience180318 019 Peak Hill Gold Mine Experience180318 020 Peak Hill Gold Mine Experience

Then I drove out to the Bogan River Weir a few kms out of town.

180318 024 Peak Hill  Bogan River Weir180318 026 Peak Hill  Bogan River Weir180318 027 Peak Hill  Bogan River Weir180318 029 Peak Hill  Bogan River Weir180318 031 Peak Hill  Bogan River Weir180318 034 Peak Hill  Bogan River Weir180318 036 Peak Hill  Bogan River Weir

I had a look at the local attractions including St Josephs Church designed and built by its first priest.

180318 038 Peak Hill St Josephs Church180318 044 Peak Hill

By now the day had reached its predicted 40’C so it was time to seek air conditioned comfort and where better than the local Ex Services Club where I spent an enjoyable  couple of hours. I decided against waiting there until the dining room opened at 6pm as there was the danger that by then I would be incapable of ordering a meal so I returned to the caravan park to start writing this (and recharge my phone).

.180318 045 Peak Hill

The meal at the club was not bad I had a Char Kuey Teow, if I had a complaint it was that it wasn't spicy enough.